Model Sculpt

1:2500 Scale Constellation Class Starship

Here is a brief description of how and what materials I used to sculpt the pattern pieces for one of my retired resin model kits.

This is the Constellation Class Starship from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
The primary hull was constructed of stacked pieces of sheet styrene. The saucer halves were sourced from a 1/2500 Ertl Enterprise-A kit.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
The bridge dome was from a 1/2500 TOS Enterprise kit. The pylons from the 1/2500 Enterprise-A were also used for detailing on the top.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
After blending in the existing kit saucer half, details were made from strip styrene, graphics tape, styrene sheet and plastic half-beads.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
The rest of the hull detailing was constructed from sheet and strip styrene and some micro half-beads.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
For the weird pontoon shapes on the bottom, I used elliptical plastic gems and re-shaped them, then scribed grid lines on.

Primary Hull

Primary Hull

1:2500 scale
The rear of the hull was constructed of sheet and strip styrene, styrene half-round, kit parts from two 1/2500 Enterprise-A kits and graphics tape.



1:2500 scale
I made the warp pylons from sheet styrene then detailed them with scribed sheet styrene and a few pieces sculpted out of strip styrene.

Warp Engines

Warp Engines

The warp engines were made by slightly modifying an existing pair from the 1/2500 scale Enterprise-A model kit.

Finished Mode

Finished Model

1:2500 scale
Photo of the final assembled and painted model kit.