Several years ago, for a short period, I was active in the costuming community.
I started costuming primarily because of my interest in Doctor Who, and although I did make some reproductions, my interest in concept design quickly led me to do original designs.
Here are some of my past costumes...
Davros was the first costume I ever made. I'd been working on a Dalek with a friend but was running out of time for a specific convention and chose Davros as a replacement. I cut the Dalek's "skirt" section down and replaced the side panels with narrower ones.
I built the control panel, back brace and head harness in about a week! My friend at that time had a contact with the show's FX crew and got me a Davros mask from the original molds! These photos show me sharing a joke with then-current 'Doctor' Colin Baker.
My Davros compared to the actual prop.
Winner - "Judges' Choice", TARDIScon 1987 (with Bruce Mai as the Dalek Supreme)
The Knights of Oberon
The Knights of the Grand Order of Oberon were characters mentioned in an episode of Doctor Who but never seen. I wanted to design and create something original and the concept of the Knights fit the bill nicely.
The Knights of Oberon
Bruce Mai, Dave Ledermann and I bought pre-made vac-formed chest armour and I fabricated the rest out of thin aluminum flashing and custom vac-formed plastics.
'Ace' actress Sophie Aldred had said in an interview that she liked the Cybermen best of all DW monsters, so me and my best friend at the time, Bruce Mai, decided to go to the Visons '90 convention that Sophie was appearing at as "Earthshock" style Cybermen and surprise her!
Bruce got some rejected fiberglass parts through his contact on the DW FX crew and I learned a LOT about repairing and finishing fiberglass! For weeks we hand-sewed all of the hoses and other details to jumpsuits. The paint was barely dry by the day of the convention but they came out great!